A Trip to the Nursery

on Monday, April, 19 2010 @ 09:53:53 pm (278 words)
In General [ 4858 views ]

On a recent Saturday Sister #1, Sister #2, and myself travelled to a local nursery; Sister #4 met us at the nursery as she was travelling from her home.  There are many sources for purchasing plants for the gardens; most of the larger home improvement centres have a garden section, as well as the big-box retail shops such as Wal-Mart and K-Mart.  In my local town, many of the produce stands also sell bedding plants during this time of the year. I have purchased plants from all of the above with good success rates for survival.  However, I believe that one has greater success when purchasing from a local nursery as the plants tend to receive better care.  Furthermore, since you are buying directly from the nursery, the plants tend to be of better quality. The plants you buy directly from the nursery have not been loaded onto racks and transported in the hot container of a lorry.  Another bonus of buying directly from a local nursery is the wide range of plants available.  Garden centres tend to only order the most popular plants which will sell and so a lot of the time varieties are limited. A trip to your local nursery will provide you with a much greater selection of plants to choose for your gardens. Finally, since you are buying directly from the nursery, the prices tend to be lower as well.

Of course I travelled with camera in hand, and I have put together a short photojournal of the trip to the nursery for you to enjoy. A little glimpse, if you will, of what it is like to visit a nursery instead of a garden centre.

1 comment

Comment from: Princess Leah K [Visitor]
Princess Leah KI like these pictures. I would think nurseries are a really good place to get plants because they probably get damaged after transport and they probably don’t keep them on as good of a schedule at the stores. My favorite plant is coleus…
04/20/10 @ 15:55

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